Research-driven experimental storytelling

Research-driven experimental storytelling

Hamill Industries are Barcelona-based artists Pablo Barquin and Anna Diaz. Through their ten-year career, the duo has crafted films, installations and stage productions. Their artistic practice places experiential storytelling at the forefront of the creative process, allowing the choice of format to emerge organically. This transmedia flexibility is facilitated by the extensive research they carry in their workshop, where they develop state-of-the-art tools to support their vision.

Their work explores the concept of the expanded visual, and represents a commitment to question and blur the boundaries between the digital and tangible realms. With the physical world as inspiration, not only the virtual sphere is re-imagined, but so is reality. Straddling the line between inventors and illusionists, their projects are always highly sensory pieces, regardless of the final medium.

Their strong values and pioneering vision have carved them the trust and respect of fellow artists, clients and collaborators around the world. Their body of work corroborates the critical role of artists in the current cultural, social and technological landscape. In an atmosphere of ever growing noise and counterfeit complexity, their discourse remains thoughtful and inspired.

Hamill Industries have created the latest visual creativity for the San Francisco Ballet, designed the visual direction for Floating Points, with whom they have toured since 2015, and created stunning visuals for film and staging. Selected work includes San Francisco Ballet, Sónar Festival, ARS Electronica, 180 The Strand (London), Semi-Permanent, Mira Festival, Cosmocaixa, Filmoteca de Catalunya, Caixaforum, Coachella, and the Barbican Museum in London.