This is a multidisciplinary show created with KDV Performance Group and music producer Tayhana, blending sound, visuals, and dance to explore the human brain’s intricate wiring and its connection to the world around us.
Our contribution to the project extends from its initial development phases to the creation, design, and staging of the live visual scenography and content. We envisioned the stage as a platform for hybrid creation, fostering interconnected dynamics across disciplines and individuals.
Originally commissioned by Sónar Festival Barcelona and CTM Berlin, the piece navigates themes of life, death, solitude, and connection—emerging from the grieving process to reflect on existence beyond mortality.
CORTEX is currently on tour and available for bookings.
Director, Coreographer
Kianí del Valle
Visual Artists
Hamill Industries
Live Music & Original Score
Alvin Collantes, Amanda Donato, Nana, Kianí del Valle
Process Dramaturge, Assistant Choreographer
Ruben Nsué
Concept & Dramaturge
Kianí del Valle, Elizabeth Hinojos
Project Manager
Maria Mitroshina
Light Technician
Catalina Joy
Costume Design
Lenni Bubi
Comissioned by
Sónar Festival and CTM
Special thanks to
Ikram Bouloum and her team, Adolfo Robles, Sander, Mia from Little Big and Francesc Sòria